Institute of Hotel Management, Hyderabad has invited Applications under Catering Technology and applied Nutrition to the following Posts.
Vacancies: 5
Lecturer cum Instructor 1
Asst. Lecturer cum Asst. Instructor 1
Teaching Associates 2
Administrative cum Accounts Officer 1
For Accounts Officer, should complete B.Com with 50% Marks, should have working experience at least 8 years in Central/State Government. For the remaining poss, should complete PG in Hospitality and Hotel Administration / Hotel Management and teaching experience in the same field.For asst. Lecturer should qualify in NHTET exam.
Age Limit:-
Lecturer - 35 Years
Asst Lecturer and Teaching Associates - 30 Years
Administrative Officer - under 50 Years.
Application Fees: Rs.500/-
Last date for submission of Application: 30th December 2017.